Reasons you should Bowhunt at Eye Level
By Tracy Breen
The majority of whitetail bowhunters hunt from a treestand. However, in the last few years, more companies have introduced ground blinds that are perfect for bowhunters. Below are three reasons every bowhunter should consider hunting whitetails from the ground this fall.
* Modern day ground blinds don’t spook deer. The Redneck Bale Blind, the Shack Attack form Double Bull and many others blend in perfectly with their surroundings. I have placed ground blinds out and have deer walking by them the same day. If you don’t like climbing into tree-stands, don’t like the extreme cold or are taking a youngster hunting, ground blinds are a great option.
* I enjoy hunting from a ground blind because ground blinds allow me to hunt in areas I would otherwise have to ignore. In many areas of the country, finding a good tree to hang a tree-stand in can be difficult. Sometimes I am hunting close to a bedding area and I want to slip in and out quietly. Hunting from a ground blind is the easiest way to do that. There are times where I need to hunt in the middle of a field where a buck is routinely seen traveling from one area to another. A ground blind is a great option for this type of hunt.
* Filming a hunt out of a ground blind is much more enjoyable than filming from a treestand. Filming at buck at 20 yards on the ground is exciting and can provide awesome footage. When you film from a ground blind, you can easily move around and move your camera and tripod around without getting busted. Filming from a tree is often complicated. When filming from a ground blind, getting all your gear set up quickly is simple.
If you plan to hunt from a ground blind this fall, check out the Fourth Arrow Camera Arm Rex Arm. This simple tripod arm allows you to rotate your camera 360 degrees while on a tripod. This makes filming from a blind much easier because you don’t have to pick up your tripod while the camera is attached and move it to get the best filming angle. Simply rotate the Rex Arm and you can get great footage without moving or making noise.
Hunting deer from a ground blind can be extremely fun and rewarding. Try it this fall!