The Best Camera for Filming Hunts on a Budget (Flowchart)
One of the most common questions we get is “What camera should I purchase for filming hunts?” Obviously, the answer to this question varies depending on needs, budget, and type of camera desired.
For example, you might want something simple where your camera automatically sets the focus and exposure so all you have to do is press record, aim, and shoot. Your buddy, on the other hand, wants something he can run in manual mode and fine tune in order to capture the best cinematic footage possible. His favorite camera would drive you absolutely crazy and your camera would have him overnighting a package from Bedfords or Campbell Cameras.
In fact, finding the perfect camera for filming hunts might be comparable to finding the perfect broadhead. Every hunter has an opinion but there is no right answer. Rather than picking one camera and claiming it is the best camera for self filming or filming hunts, I created a flowchart. This gets you in the right ballpark, but does not mean the cameras listed are your only options. Note: If there is a camera you highly recommend feel free to add it in the comments!
So what are your options? The first step is to select from three types of cameras.
• Easy to use
• Simple design
• Built in lens
• Automatic focus, aperture, and white balance standard
• Aren’t ideal for “cinematic” shots
• Video Only
DSLR & Mirrorless
• More complex- Most don’t have autofocus (though autofocus is available in certain lenses)
• Multiple lenses needed for shooting different distances
• Generally better in low light than consumer camcorders at same price point
• Perfect for cinematic shooting
• Great video and image capabilities
Bridge cameras (* on flowchart)
• A bridge between camcorders and DSLR/Mirrorless cameras
• Built in lens with impressive zoom
• Easy to use or complex, depending on preference and situation.
• hotos are far better than camcorders but not as crisp as a DSLR/Mirrorless
After picking the style of camera you are looking for you’re going to want to identify your budget and see what cameras on the flowchart match up with your needs.
With this knowledge, I hope you find yourself more prepared to purchase the camera that best suits your needs and budget. Keep in mind that even the best camera is only as good as it’s owner. To improve on your camera skills, in the field production, and post production head on over to Filmthehunt.com and tell Tom and Nick that Fourth Arrow sent you!
The Fourth Arrow team wishes you the best of luck in your search! If you have any questions at all don’t hesitate to leave us a message via Facebook or here on the website! Lastly, please keep Fourth Arrow in mind for all of your camera arm and accessory needs!
Please note: prices on flowchart were generally the cheapest prices I could find via a simple google search. If considering a Canon I strongly recommend looking into their refurbished options.